


Lessons in Wheelchair Etiquette

First and foremost, don't assume someone in a wheelchair has a mental disability. Like me, there are many, MANY people in wheelchairs who are completely aware of what is going on around them and chances are they understand exactly what you are saying about them even if they are physically unable to respond.  Most people in wheelchairs are not deaf. I don't know why, but a lot of strangers have this innate need to speak loudly and slowly to me when they first meet me. It's true that I do have a little hearing loss, bu[...]
painting, art

Why Not Art Full-Time?

Posted In: All | Featured | KAK Art & Designs
Katherine, your real gift is in art and painting. Why don't you do that full-time? You would make a fortune! First, no I wouldn't, trust me. Ever heard the expression "starving artist?" Well, there's a reason for that! Very few artists make a real living from their art. Most of them have a "day job" or have some other source of income to supplement. In most cases, except for maybe the lucky few like George Rodrigue, if an artist's work is going to become truly valuable, it's not until after they've died. I mean, what is the[...]
Katherine's early art

Why I Got Into Art

When I was little (in the younger sense as I am still little in the physical sense), I drove my parents absolutely bonkers. Because I didn't have to learn to crawl or walk, I learned to talk very quickly, and was speaking in full sentences at ten months old. Ordering people around came as a natural skill, and I was bored all the time. That got a bit better when my mother insisted that my doctor help us get my first motorized wheelchair when I was two, but when I didn't have something to keep me occupied, I got cranky. Eve[...]
looking up

Looking Up…

So what's with all this "Looking Up" stuff you ask? I graduated with a BA in graphic design from Loyola University New Orleans in 2011. The guidelines for our senior thesis were short and sweet: Create a project that you can display in the class show at the end of the semester that only YOU can create. We had to present three potential ideas, then our professors helped us choose the best direction. My professors encouraged me to create something that visually showed my unique perspective. We toyed with a poster series,[...]