
disabled artist

A Look Inside My Art Room

I’m not one of those typical “I work best in a mess” artists. I have too much of my father’s left brain in me for that. When everything is everywhere, it makes me to anxious to work. I like organization – everything in its place where I can always find it. I like my workspace to look clean and uncluttered, even if it is secretly a disaster behind closed cabinet doors.   In my art room, it’s especially important that my materials are put away properly because I often have several different people in there hel[...]

The Comfort of Lying on Tables

As most of you know, I spend a lot of my time lying down. It’s easier for me to function in that position because my back and neck get tired quickly in my chair, and when I’m lying on my side I feel like I’m not having to fight gravity as much. It can be hard for me to lift my arms to do things sitting up, but lying on my side I can use my body to support them while I eat, paint, and type. (And no, I don’t choke while eating on my side. Read more about that here.) You would think that having brittle bones would ma[...]